Lets create your website 
With Our Tools and widgets.

Welcome , This page provides some details how to start creat your website.

Ibtroduction: Website builder allows to create and publish the website as you see. Onece register the account you l'll reciveid an email to completed the signup process .
  • Login to account .
  • User directing to dashboard where you can see all the services under account .

User panel introduction. 

Available services 

Once you login to user panel if you have already active website click option icon .
  • Website preview..
  • Edit the website.
  • Manage subcriptions
  • Delete website..

Content Ideas for your next project

  • Can be create subdoman free for your website. If you already have domain name can be active . Ask your domain provider to point doman to our namesaver. 
  • Also if needed can be export the website to your computer. 

Edit website. 

Edit the Website ,Please fallow the picture. Once click edit icon ,will be directing to the editor . Where can edit and publish website

Content Ideas for your next project

Lets edit the website 

If already choiced the template ,it will be load to editor to created website .Website editor comes with main three section.
  • Top navigation bar.
  • Key features of the editor , Such as
  • Templates,Sections,Media,Pages and Design. L side of editor . 

Content Ideas for your next project

From white column : can be added text,picture,form,video and more 

Lets edit some text  

Website builder has many option when its comes to text editing. 
  • Siply click any text you allows to edit the text  
  • Advance text function are available if clcik the wheel icon  .

Text editor basic to advance. 

Advance text editing features please click wheel icon. Advance text editing can be add animation,font family,bacckground colour and etc. 

Add Picture.
Let's add picture to your website .

  • Adding picture : Mouse over anay image  click pencil icon or  duble click any image . ,
  • Now you can see small window popup- L side  with the picture, you wanted to change or edit.
  • Click the image , it will directing to image galery . Where you can chage picture and other feature . Please fallows next step.

Text editor basic to advance. 

  • Adding picture features : Change picture funtions has many option to enhance pictures .
  • Free pictures related to the template or section you have selectted.
  • Picture can be upload from you computer .
  • Free image gallery : Can search and find many picture as you wanted . Copy right free images.
  • Free Image editore : Further if need to edit picture can be done with picture editor .Related video will be come soon

Add Picture.
Add picture to the website.
Free picture .

  • Adding picture : If need add picture from computer click add picture
  • to find free pictures Please clcik External Librery
  • To edit picture click edit icon under the picture R side .
  • Once done Please click insert image blue icon 

Text editor basic to advance. 

  • Adding picture features : Change picture funtions has many option to enhance pictures .
  • Free pictures related to the template or section you have selectted.
  • Picture can be upload from you computer .
  • Free image gallery : Can search and find many picture as you wanted . Copy right free images.
  • Free Image editore : Further if need to edit picture can be done with picture editor .Related video will be come soon


  • Free picture available from each trade.
  • Comes with many funtions , such ad add Text,Change colour,Cop,resize and much more . 
  • Keep try and enjoy
  • Also let us know your an idea.

Free Picture editor .

Add sections.

Pre-made sections can be added by click sections icon in the L top corner. 
  • Add page - Pre-created page can be added in the section window ,click page iconn.

Free Picture editor .

Template gallery

Choose your design


Create your website without web design skill.

It’s easy and effordable.

Build your online presence

Our website builder give you full freedom to change anything as you like. Add pages, text, picture, video social media and much more

Mobile friendly site experince

Create your website friendly for any mobile device. Which mean there is no need for separate mobile site. Site will fit in all mobile devices.

Personal to business

Whether you want to create personal site, blog, small business, services or online cv, it’s all covered by our site builder. Your imagination is only limit.